NaPoWriMo: Sweet Proposal

Published 14th April 2014 by viewsofpreethib

Day 14: The prompt for the NaPoWriMo “Our optional prompt for today is to write a poem that contains at least one kenning. Kennings were metaphorical phrases developed in Nordic sagas. At their simplest, they generally consist of two nouns joined together, which imaginatively describe or name a third thing. The phrase “whale road,” for example, could be used instead of “sea” or “ocean,” and “sky candle” could be used for “sun.” The kennings used in Nordic sagas eventually got so complex that you basically needed a decoder-ring to figure them out. And Vikings being Vikings, there tended to be an awful lot of kennings for swords, warriors, ships, and gold. But at their best, they are surprising and evocative. I hope you have fun trying to invent your own. Happy writing!”

Sweet Proposal

Around the Whale-road,
Next to bane of wood,
Surprising Uncut thread.

While standing together.
He reaches for serpent’s lair,
Like ring giver.

Now he asks,
To be Girl of the houses,
Looking into eyes.

The northern kiss,
Making this our romantic bliss
Perfect isn’t this.

(c) by Preethi.B


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